Thursday, November 13, 2014

11th Company Game 3

So game 3 and Im playing hammer and Anvil against Brian and his Tau.

Buffmander with drone controller
10 Kroot
10 Kroot
3 suits with missile pods and marker drones
2 suits fusion
2 suits fusion
3 Broadsides missile drones
3 Broadsides missile drones

Scouring 6 objectives, 3 on your side, 3 on his, start of game randomly decide what they are worth 1-3. We both picked score at end of game.  I gave him first turn.  Rolled the infiltrate warlord power so outflanked my hive tyrants, and stealers, everything else deepstrikes.  He gets the -1 reserves warlord trait.  I deploy 3 sets of spore mines and a unit of stealers behind bastion near board edge.  He deploys everything but kroot who outflank and fusion suits which deepstrike.
 Turns one and 2 he pushes forward fast as possible.  Runs and pops some etheral buff to let him snap shot after and so kills a unit of spores and stealers but leaves 2 and 1 spores alive respectfully.  Suits try to blow up the bastion but fail.
 Mawlocs anyone?
 Sadly due to his warlord trait I only get one Mawloc in.  Kills the ethereal 2 broadsides and a few drones.  But almost all my other reserves come on.  Start loading up on stealers and lictors near his suits and broadsides.  Looking for rear shots on the skyrays.  Tyrants shoot at drones and kill all the markerlights and some missile drones.  Psyscream kills some too.  Both tyrants get feel no pain.  Skyrays are forced to jink.
 His other suits and kroot come in.  Brian moves them on in the top and the others are on the bottom.  Rays move away and broadsides split a lot of fire to try and kill a few lictors.
 Commander and missile suits shoot at flyrant.  Riptide shoots at flyrant.
 Mawloc comes in and finishes a broadside.  LIctors spread out.  One assaults kroot at top and kills them.  2 assault skyray and kill it.  3 assault commander and suits.  Mawloc assaults broadsides, flyrants chip skyray with templates while killing 2 suits.
 Brian is down to just a riptide which fires away at stealers and lictors.  Suits are ground down by lictors.  And skyray which finishes off a flyrant.

On my turn Mawlocs start helping out in combats and commander dies.  Lictors annd stealers take a few wounds off of the riptide.
We play another turn where the riptide dies.  Full points.  


  1. This is a great well played list. Nice photos, thanks for taking the time to do these!

    1. Thanks for taking the time out to read them.

  2. Thanks for the nice reports with army lists and pictures. I would have liked to read a little bit more about how you thought the game would go before it started and what your initial thoughts on strategy and stuff was.

    Congratulations to this great performance with the nids!

    1. Thanks Ill try to do that in the future. If you have any specific games you want that info from I might be able to answer it.

  3. As a xenos player (I play nids and tau) I loved this battle report!

    I too would love to hear your concepts behind your list - its full of units I love (love the mawloc - killed a lot of grey knights with one this weekend) and would be curious as to some of the thoughts that went into it.

    thanks for the posts.
